Questions from Sunday 1 (Part 3) – God, Are You Really There?
I am posting the final questions that were submitted last Sunday during my message, which focused on the existence of God: God, are you really there? I have answered the questions below to the best of my ability. Tomorrow, we will be looking at a second questions: “Is the Bible really God’s Word?”
With the discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle, is the field of evolution getting closer to having an explanation for the origin of life apart from Intelligent Design?
I only read of the Higgs boson discovery a couple of months ago and came to some preliminary thoughts. I’m sure someone more versed in the field of physics would have a greater understanding of these things, however, I do see this topic as great fodder for evolutionists propagandists. I do not believe the Higgs boson particle discovery gets evolutionists any closer to affirming the theory of naturalism or evolution. I like this definition of evolution: A theory that states the universe is self-contained, and that the origin and development of all its complex systems (the universe, living organisms, man, etc.) can be explained solely by time, chance, and continuing natural processes, innate in the very structure of matter and energy. I share this definition because evolutionist’s propagandists are pushing the discovery of the Higgs boson particle as being
the coup de grace to creationism. They even came up with the nickname “The God Particle.” It is interesting that many scientists do not like this nickname because it does not adequately represent this discovery. Jake Hebert PhD made the following comment about the Higgs
boson discovery:
The Higgs mechanism does not miraculously create mass out of “nothing.” Rather, the mass is transferred to the particle from the Higgs field, which contained this mass in the form of energy. Thus, the Higgs mechanism does not account for the origin of mass in the ultimate sense.
If God chooses to use a Higgs field to set the masses of all particles, He can certainly do so. The fact that such physics is possible or even meaningful would only make sense in a created universe that is controlled by the mind of God anyway. The study of how God upholds the universe today is the very essence of science. So the possible discovery of the Higgs boson falls under operational science, not origins science.
If Predestination is true, is there anything I can do to keep someone from accepting Christ?
First of all, one must define predestination. I do not believe the Bible teaches that God predetermines individuals to be saved and individuals to be lost before the world began. The Calvinist perspective presents salvation as being predetermined in that grace is irresistible and atonement is limited only to those who God predetermined to salvation. I don’t agree with this teaching. I believe it was predestined before the creation of the world that those who were in Christ would be saved. We still have a choice as to whether or not we will be in Christ. All of the
“whosoevers” of the Bible reveal Christianity as an invitation to everyone thereby giving us free will and a choice (John 3:16, Revelation 22:17, etc). We also see examples in the Bible of people saying “no” to God’s offer, thereby making grace and the Holy Spirit resistible (Mark 10:17-27, Acts 7:51, Mt 23:37). Also the Bible is real clear that Christ’s death was for the sins of the whole world and not just for those who would respond to God’s offer of salvation (1 John 2:2). Secondly, we must not presume that we are God’s only tool for someone’s salvation. You may be unfaithful in sharing the Gospel, but God can use others. For that matter, the Bible says God can even use creation to draw someone to Himself (Romans 1:20) I think this question is pointing to the fact that if Calvinists are right and people are chosen for salvation before creation, then will that person be saved regardless of what anyone does. The answer is that if Calvinists are right, and I do not believe they are, then the answer would be yes. The people God picked for salvation will be saved regardless and those He did not pick would have no choice but to go to Hell. It is difficult, if not impossible, for me to see the God of the Bible choosing me for salvation (that is I could not resist God’s grace but would have to be saved) and not choosing one of my children (that is they would have no choice but to go to Hell). How would I feel about a God like that? That teaching about God does not agree with what I believe the Bible teaches about God’s grace and love and free offer of salvation to whosoever.
If Christianity is a “faith-based” why is evidence” necessary?
I have addressed this question previously this week, but allow me to add one more thought. We cannot be saved without faith. It is true that you cannot use science to conclusively prove the existence of God. You can, however, use science, history, logic, etc. to give clues or evidence to the existence of God. If one concludes God exists, the natural next step would be to accept the Bible as God’s source of truth. One must also come face to face with either accepting Jesus as God’s Son or not. The reason evidence may be necessary is because we live in a world where the enemies of Christianity seek to win people to their “camp” by presenting evidence against the claims of the Bible (for example evolution). Satan is clever and is a deceiver. We must be willing to show people the truth about these matters. Science is not an enemy of God. True science cannot disprove God, but rather gives support to the teaching of scripture. One must reach beyond science to make science support the beliefs of naturalism.
What “evidence” does God require for allowing man to come into a relationship with Him?
Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction (“evidence” in KJV) of things not seen.” One need not have any evidence that God exists and that Jesus died and rose from the dead in order to believe these things to be true. Salvation is by grace through faith.
This is all the questions that were left over from this past Sunday. I look forward to addressing new questions during tomorrow’s message. If I am unable to answer all the questions during the service, I will continue doing so next week on my blog.
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