The Longing in our Hearts
Longing – We all have experienced it at one time or another in such consuming ways that we feel as if we cannot be contained. I remember the feelings deep inside of me on numerous Christmas Eves…
Syria and the Last Days
As Syria has made the news, I can’t help but think about the correlations to the last days. It is significant that Damascus is a common city in the Bible, but it is noteworthy that Isaiah 17…
Sermon 3 Questions from Sunday (Part 1) – Does God Really Care?
This past Sunday, I preached a message entitled “Doe God really care?” I dealt with the problem of suffering, pain and evil in our world and sought to dispel several myths propagated by the presence of difficulty.…
God, I Have A Question
God, I have a question. Can you imagine sitting down with the God of the universe over coffee picking His brain with some of the issues that have given you great pause? Is it even okay to…
Standing Firm in the Last Days – The Breastplate of Righteousness
I am currently sharing a series of messages at SonRise Church called “Standing Firm in the Last Days.” I personally believe either this generation will be (or maybe – are) living in the last days or our…
New Year’s Eve Disappointment
We planned to bring in the New Year with a time of reflection on the scripture and prayer, but my children wanted to watch the ball drop in New York first. I figured our time of prayer…
Isaiah 57:15
Here’s a thought I had in response to Isaiah 57 and an experience I had this week with someone regarding humility (or the lack of it). Where does God live? This might be a question one of…
The Easter Bunny?
I saw something new this week. Maybe someone is wising up to the real meaning of Easter or maybe someone is wising up to yet another way to make a buck. While strolling through the Easter section…
Weird Worship
Many years ago, I read a wonderful book by Robert Webber entitled Worship Is A Verb. While some of his comments didn’t necessarily fit my tradition of worship, his comments could certainly be applied to any Christian…
I know I’ve got the end times on my mind because of the message series I’m currently preaching (, but I can’t help but be amazed at some of the things that are happening right before us.…