Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Happy Fourth! We’ll gather around grills, pools, and picnic tables over the next several days to celebrate freedom from tyranny and God’s blessings. Freedom is a wonderful thing, but it also comes with responsibilities and a price.…
- Change, Christian Life, Culture, Decisions, Discipleship, Emotional Health, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Spiritual Disciplines
Aligning with God
I watched a video recently while trying to understand the concept of wheel alignment on my car. I’ve had many alignments performed through the years, but I’ve never understood what the mechanics are doing. They’ve used words…
Visible Faith
“If something’s going to be done right, you’ve got to do it yourself!” Is that always true? Of course not. In preparation for the sermon I delivered yesterday, I came across an exciting passage of Scripture found…
- Christian Life, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Depression, Faith, Fear, Hope, Life, Pandemic, Tests, Uncategorized, Worship
I’m coronaweary, and I have a feeling you are too. I’m not saying that we’re tired of coronavirus, though we probably are. I am saying that we’re weary because of the overload this pandemic has caused. I…
15 Days of Faith – Day 1
We are living in unprecedented times. You may have seen President Trump’s press conference yesterday or heard of the suggestions coming from his task force dealing with the spread of the Covid-19 virus. They are asking all…
Which Way Do I Go?
I’m reading a book by John Ortberg entitled All the Places to Go: How Will You Know. For starters, it’s an excellent book. Ortberg has challenged me with a lot of thoughts and phrases. One of them is…
Exclusive Gospel – Is Jesus Really The Only Way to Salvation?
I preached the sixth message today in a seven-sermon-series on the seven I Am statements of Jesus in John (You can hear them on our church website, though today’s probably won’t be up until maybe Wednesday:…
Mountain Climbing
“Did you enjoy your hike?” I bet I’ve been asked that at least 50 times since returning from my most recent backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail. My first answer is “No!” I didn’t enjoy my trip…
A Day Without a Woman
“A Day Without a Woman” – Women’s rights groups organized a march on Washington today to celebrate International Women’s Day, and they encouraged women to stand together against inequality and injustice against women. They marched against President…
Singing Anyone? Part 2
In my last blog, I asked the question: “What if I don’t want to sing?” It’s a valid question. We’ve all faced times where we had no song, but the problem is that God commands us throughout…