New Every Morning
It’s hard to say what my favorite Bible verse is, but I can give you a list of favorites. One of those near the top is Lamentations 3:22-23 “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”
I love that passage for a lot of reasons, but one of those reasons is because of the Hebrew word hesed. In the ESV, translators opted for the words “steadfast love” as a translation. The KJV uses the word mercy. It speaks of loyal love that acts first before being acted upon. It points to grace and is wrapped in love. It overflows with compassion. It’s a gift God offers because of His character and not because of our worthiness.
The second phrase says God’s mercies never come to an end. Wow! What a powerful statement. God never runs dry on mercy. He always has enough to meet us at our point of need. He even says His mercies are new every morning. We can begin each day clean and whole. Though we may feel tattered and torn from yesterday’s failures, we’re whole and fresh from today’s mercy.
Over the last few months, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed focusing my writing attention on the mercy of God. I’ve got a new 31-day devotional coming out soon entitled “New Every Morning.” I’ll let you know when it’s released.
I’m so grateful for the mercy of God. We don’t deserve it, but God offers it. We can’t earn it, but we’re changed by it. Will you allow yourself to be embraced by God’s mercy today? Regardless of what you’ve done, you can start fresh because of His steadfast love.