Mountain-Moving Prayer
Do you need some mountains moved in your life? We’ve all experienced them: sickness, loss of a job, financial setbacks, or relationship problems. What is your mountain?
Jesus said prayer moves mountains. In Mark 11, Jesus admonished us to have faith in God and pray mountain-moving prayers. In His teaching, Jesus reminds us that God is in the mountain-moving business.
I’ve heard that passage misused during the years. Some people think if prayer is not answered in the affirmative it is because the one praying didn’t have enough faith. If that were the case, our faith is in faith and not God. Jesus was really clear in Mark 11:22: “Have faith in God.” We don’t twist God’s arm by faith. We don’t “faith” God into answering our prayers. He’s got a much bigger plan than that.
We must also acknowledge that it’s not in our best interests or God’s perfect will for Him to do everything we ask Him to do. Sometimes, His answer is no. Just ask Paul. Paul asked God to remove a “thorn in his flesh” on three different occasions, and Paul had great faith. God told him, “No.” God said, “My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness.”
We must acknowledge while praying in faith can move mountains, there are some mountains in our lives God doesn’t want to be moved, at least for the time being. Nevertheless, there are other mountains in our lives that remain there simply because we haven’t asked God to move them (“You have not because you ask not” James 4:2).
What will you do about the mountains in your life? Start praying today. God may be waiting on your prayers to get His heavenly bulldozers moving. In the process, He’ll also teach you wonderful things about Himself, His power, and His will.